Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annotated Bibliography in Journal of Physiology Style

Below I will be constructing an annotated bibliography for the sources I have used in my previous blog posts. 

Nephron. Intermediate Magnification of Celiac Disease. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.

Chang K (2013). Gluten-Free, Whether You Need It or Not. Well. Available at: [Accessed September 5, 2015].

The purpose of this article is to inform readers of findings regarding a gluten-free diet and the reasons people chose to participate in them. The primary audience for this article is people interested in the controversy or looking to participate in the diet themselves, ones that may also have celiacs disease or a sensitivity to gluten. This article uses personal experiences and facts to discuss the effects a reasons behind needing a gluten-free diet. The author conducted his study by researching the findings of doctors. He uses quotes from professionals to back up the information he shares. The major findings from this article is that a gluten-free diet is absolutely necessary for people suffering from celiacs disease. Other than that, it is unknown whether a gluten-free diet is beneficial for people without a sensitivity to it. I plan to use this article as an example of a general source regarding the subject.

Authority Nutrition (2015). Is "Gluten Sensitivity" Real or Imaginary? A Critical Look. Available at: [Accessed September 5, 2015].

This article was written to give readers an overall understanding of how gluten reacts in the body. It is geared towards an audience looking to find out more about what gluten actually is. The purpose is to provide information regarding gluten related illnesses and studies. The study provided in the article was done by testing people with self-reported gluten sensitivilty on a diet containing isolated gluten. The results showed that the real problem might be related to wheat instead of gluten. I plan to use this article when regarding gluten-sensitivity. 

Harrington C (1977). Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Effect of Gluten-Free Diet On Skin Iga And Jejunal Structure And Function. The British Medical Journal 6065, 872-875.

This journal was written to contribute to the knowledge of gluten interacting with the skin causing dermatitis herpetiformis. The audience of this journal is other researchers of the topic seeking further information on the topic. The purpose is to show the discoveries of the experiment done. The study was done by taking gluten out of the diets of people suffering from Dermatitis Herpetiformis. The results showed a gluten-free diet is an effective treatment of the disorder. I plan to use this sources as concrete evidence of gluten related illnesses.

Hubble D (1963). Diagnosis And Management Of Coeliac Disease In Childhood. The British Medical Journal 2, 701-706.

This journal was written to contribute information to the medical field about diagnosing children with Celiacs disease. The intended audience is other professionals in the medical field looking to further their knowledge on the subject. The methods of this study include displaying procedures to use when attempting to recognize the disease. The findings provided information on the proper diagnosis of Celiacs disease in children. I plan to use this source as an example of previous findings on the disease.

Twitter (2015). rían on Twitter. Available at: [Accessed September 5, 2015].

This tweet was written to try to convince his followers of the knowledge he claims to have about gluten reacting in the body. The audience is all of his followers on Twitter. The purpose is to tell people that gluten sensitivity is not real. There was no study conducted behind this knowledge. I plan to use this source as an example of social media influences on the gluten-free controversy.

Instagram (2015). Amanda on Instagram: “#Repost @_gorgie with @repostapp ・・・ I did not choose to be sick. I did not opt for a "fad diet". I do not enjoy watching everyone around…”. Available at: [Accessed September 5, 2015].

This Instagram post was created to inform her followers of her experience with Celiacs disease. The audience is all of her followers. The purpose is to show her struggle with eating a gluten-free diet. The author was diagnosed with Celiacs disease. I plan to use this source as a reference to personal experience with a gluten-free diet. 

Sanghavi D (2015). Who Really Needs To Eat a Gluten-Free Diet?. Slate Magazine. Available at: [Accessed September 8, 2015].

The purpose of this article is to discuss how celiacs disease is under diagnosed and gluten sensitivity is over diagnosed. The article is geared towards people looking for more information on the two illnesses. The overall purpose is to inform readers about the diseases themselves and the misconceptions about them. The key idea in this text is to show that it is hard to differentiate the problems people have with gluten. I plan to use this to show how people with gluten issues can be very misled.

reddit (2015). There’s a lot of controversy over the gluten-free diet. Is it really as good or bad as many people say? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle? • /r/Health. Available at: [Accessed September 8, 2015].

The purpose is to answer a question regarding what to eat on a gluten free diet. The audience is the person and other people that have the question. The purpose is to say that people that want to eat a gluten free diet without a gluten tolerance should not eat processed foods that should naturally have gluten in them. The key idea is that eating gluten-free processed foods is worse than eating nutritious foods that naturally have gluten in them. I plan to use this when talking about being gluten-free without having gluten sensitivity. 

Abel H (2015). Stop Mocking Gluten-Free Faddists. They’re Just Trying to Feel Better. Slate Magazine. Available at: [Accessed September 9, 2015].

The purpose of this article is to show the struggle of a person suffering gluten sensitivity without knowledge of it. The audience is people with a misunderstanding of what it's like to suffer a gluten allergy. The author tries to make people empathize for her disease. The major findings was that the author suffered while doctors misdirected her before she found out what was really wrong with her. I plan to use this source as an example of the process leading up to being diagnosed.

The Huffington Post (2015). Beware The 'Health Halo' Of Gluten-Free Foods. Available at: [Accessed September 9, 2015].

The purpose of this article is to show that gluten-free foods are not always healthier. It is geared towards an audience that is wondering if gluten-free means healthier. The purpose is to show hard evidence that nutritionally the gluten-free foods and gluten containing foods are not very different. The study done showed that gluten-free foods contained 52% less protein than foods with gluten. I plan to use the study as evidence that gluten-free does not always mean its healthier.

For this bibliography, I used this reference guide to citations in The Journal of Physiology style. 

I reviewed Mika's blog and Carter's blog on their annotated bibliography posts. Carter, like me, is interested in the health field so our citation style is kind of similar. He did a nice job of using AMA style for his sources. One critique I had was the color of the text he used, it blended in to the page too much and I had to highlight the text to view it correctly. Other than that, his overall citaions looked correct. Mika is a computer science major so she used IEEE style. Her post was beautifully put together. It made me appreciate the amount of work I had to do. Her citations matched the example and her descriptions were very well thought out. 


  1. Being a pre-physio major myself, my annotated bibliography looked similar to yours. I was a bit confused however because I discovered that there is the AMA style and also an APS (American Physiological Society) style. Something that was different was numbering the citations (in order of the authors last name) and bolding the authors' names. Other than that, our citations look very similar!

  2. After looking at your annotated bibliography, I don't actually see what the big differences between MLA style and AMA style is. All of your stuff seems to be cited correctly and you have all of your sources down and accounted for. Solid work!

  3. The format that I used for my annotated bibliography was APA. The first major difference I noted in your post is that you did not have to deal with indenting or hanging indents or any of those things when it came to your formatting. I also found it interesting how you not only have to put the publishing date, but the date of access. Overall, it looks really good!

  4. I like how direct this citation style is in its direction to the source. I've always used MLA so being able to link the url right in the citation looks much better to me. Your annotations seem to highlight all of the same things that APA and MLA do, too. I liked the detail you put into the findings of the source because I think you can definitely use it later when you're organizing your final QRG!
