Wednesday, September 9, 2015

QRG's: The Genre

Below I am going to discuss the genre of 5 examples of a Quick Reference Guide.

Conventions of the Genre
Each QRG contained the following conventions:
  • Title
  • Subtitles
  • Short, concise paragraphs
  • Use of white space
  • Images/Visuals
  • Hyperlinks to sources
How the Conventions are Defined by the Author's Format/Design
The title is always at the top of the piece. It usually is to the point and unbiased. The subtitles are used to break up the text into sections and help the reader scan for the information they're looking for. Short concise paragraphs and white space help the reader find information more quickly. Images and graphs etc are found throughout the article, usually at the beginning. Hyperlinks are used to direct the reader to the sources used to find the information. 

Purpose of QRGs
The purpose of QRGs is to provide scannable, to-the-point information on certain topics. They are often unbiased or not extremely biased. The information found in them is usually pretty reliable and contains hyperlinks to the sources.

Intended Audience for QRGs
The intended audience is dependent on the topic of the QRG. In most cases, the intended audience is the people interested in the topic. This could range from people informally researching information for personal use or professionals on the topic. 

How QRGs use Images/Visuals
There is a variety of visuals a QRG can include. This could be a photograph, a graph, a chart, etc. Photographs are used to show visual evidence and evoke emotions in the readers. Graphs and charts are used to display concrete information. Visuals also give the readers a break from reading the text.

I reviewed my peers QRG: The Genre posts at Alyssa's blog, Mehruba's blog, and Brandon's blog. I found that even though we were all asked to do the same thing, we produced different types of blog posts. Alyssa did a nice job of showing the reader the key conventions of the genre. I admired how Brandon explained all the key conventions by provided the purpose and use of them. Mehruba did a nice job of adding unique specifics to show the small but important details in encountering a QRG.


  1. Hey Isabel,

    I liked your concise answers to these questions, I think it shows that you knew which areas of the QRG conventions you were going to focus on in writing your own QRG, which I hope went well. The convention that I think you cited the most in these responses was the format and layout of the QRG, which is comprised of white space, short paragraphs, and most importantly the direct and clear subheadings. I like that you also specified the purpose of these conventions: to make the QRG approachable and easily scanned for information, which I agree is one of the most vital qualities of pieces in this genre.

    Good work, and thank you for the read!

  2. I like how you formatted your blog post. Many people, myself included, made their post look like an assignment with the questions copied and pasted then answered. Your responses are similar to mine.

  3. I like how you included that a quick reference guide is to provide concise to the point information for a reader. Not many people have the time or interest to read a scholarly journal on a topic or maybe one has not even been made for it, so having a guide such as these gives people the basic information without them thinking they wasted their time.
