Saturday, September 19, 2015

Reflection on Project 1 Draft

In this post I will discuss peer review on mine and my peer's project one drafts.

Unknown. January 31, 2015. CC0 License. 
I peer reviewed Mika's draft and Kyle's draft. My draft was reviewed by Jessica and Jayni.


  • Who is going to be reading this document? 
    • My instructor and my classmates will be reading my QRG
  • What are their values and expectations?
    • They're expecting all the conventions of a QRG to be included in my project. They're expecting a guide that provides information on my controversy and provides both sides of an argument in an unbiased way.
  • How much information do I need to give my audience?
    • I need to provide my audience with enough information to give them an overall understanding of the controversy. They need to know what gluten is, background info on what diseases require a gluten free diet, and findings from experimentation with them.
  • What kind of language is suitable for this audience?
    • Formal language but not too formal. Like I was writing about an event that happened.
  • What tone should I use with my audience?
    • The tone should be informative, like a news report. There should be no indication of my personal opinion on the topic.
  • What are the formatting requirements of the assignment?
    • I use the conventions of a QRG to guide my formatting. This includes white space, visuals, short concise sentences, etc.
  • What are the content requirements for the assignment? 
    • Provide sourced information such as quotes and hyperlinks. I still need to integrate my quotes and hyperlinks.
  • Does my draft reflect knowledge or skills gained in addition to my own ideas and voice?
    • Yes it does. I provide information that I researched and had prior knowledge of and it is said in my own words.
  • Have I addressed any grammatical issues that my teacher highlighted in class or in my previously-graded assignments?
    • I have not addressed them yet but I am very aware of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isabel! I was able to follow one of the hyperlinks for peer review, but the other didn't seem to work. Just a heads up.
