Thursday, September 24, 2015

Developing a Research Question

In this post I will discuss research questions in one area of controversy in Physiology.
Horia Varlan. "Question Mark Made of Puzzle Pieces" 10/03/2008. Creative Commons Corporation.
Currently in physiology, professionals are discussing the use of certain types of therapy to create maximum results. One technique in particular include electrotherapy. This field interests me because I have personal experience with electrotherapy as I went through a process of multiple weeks receiving the treatment. I have come up with a few questions regarding this topic. 

1. Why have the results of using electrotherapy to treat joint problems in the elderly made the technique as a whole questionable?

I'm interested in this because as I watch my grandparents grow older, these types of treatments become techniques we start to consider. I'm curious of why electrotherapy is being questioned when it has shown to be useful in many situations. 

2. How does electrotherapy actually affect the body and how does it aid the process of healing?

This interests me because as I mentioned before I have actually had electrotherapy performed on me over several weeks. I was always curious what it was actually doing to me and how it was helping treatment of my injury. In my case, it didn't do much but I have witnessed cases where it has.

3. Why are therapists resistant to use electrotherapy in patients they see potential for it to work?

This is interesting to me because therapists explore many other techniques to heal a patient when electrotherapy is a valid treatment.

4. Why won't insurance companies cover electrotherapy for patients but they will cover a variety of other treatments?

I, along with many others, have had issues with insurance companies not covering electrotherapy in physical therapy. It's a very frustrating and costly experience. 

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