Friday, August 28, 2015

Calendar Reflection

This post is going to briefly discuss my weekly schedule.

While planning my weekly schedule, I decided to do most of my obligations in the morning rather than the evening to leave myself some free time at the end of my day. This also allows me to move some things around from day to day if need be.

 I have an average of three classes a day with about an hour and a half to two hour break on most days. I'll most likely fill my time after classes with homework from other classes.

I made sure to get a workout in after my morning classes to clear my head and keep me sane, really. Also, my sorority house provides me with lunch and dinner Monday-Friday from 11-1 and 5-6 so I like to make time to go there between classes for a small break in my day.

I planned my English homework time mostly for weekends with an exception of an hour on Tuesday and Thursday right after class. I did this so it would still be fresh in my mind and I'd most likely get my best work done then. Other than that I plan on putting two hours in on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

After reading Brandon's blog and Savannah's blog I realized that making time to do everything you need to is definitely possible. Like me, Savannah is balancing her schoolwork (which is much more vigorous than mine) and sorority life. It made me feel much more comfortable with my amount of responsibilities. Brandon's post gave me some ideas on how to improve my calendar. I liked his idea of multitasking between breaks to get more done as the day goes on.


  1. Your schedule sounds manageable! I am more productive in the morning as well; however, I have classes beginning at nine until around three so I can't do homework in the morning. We are both in a sorority so I can relate to making time to eat at the house. No matter what, I think the most important thing is staying on top of your work. It's all about balance!

  2. I would consider myself a morning person too. You sound like you have a great idea on when you know you can get your stuff done. It is good that you are staying involved in school outside of class. Working out is also a great way for me to clear my head.
